LMS Agency goes to Connecticut!

Blog, Portfolio, Uncategorized

LMS Agency Inc. is proud to announce that Social Media Expert, Leah Sadowski will be a featured speaker at the Mid-Atlantic-Tent Renter’s Association’s (MATRA) conference in Ledyard Center, Connecticut this November 6, 2013. 25 successful years in the tenting industry, MATRA is the premier industry organization that supports and educates rental owners about safety, education […]

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Never Touch Your Tuna

Blog, Portfolio, Uncategorized

LMS Agency Inc. is proud to announce our newest website design, Social Media management and Public Relations client: Tuna Squish. Tuna Squish is an innovative, cost-effective cooking solution that allows tuna lovers to open up canned tuna effortlessly while eliminating the mess, smelly and sore hands you get from ferociously squeezing all of the unwanted […]

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