
13 Tips to Help You Excel on Twitter

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Twitter TipsIf you are hungry to master the art of Twitter for business here are some quick guidelines to digest that will help you improve your engagement and provide you the professional results you are looking to achieve. Make sure to click on the highlighted examples to meet some great Tweeps that are knocking it out of the park:

  • Consistency: Make a Tweet schedule and stick to it. This may sound like an easy task but it is the most difficult out of all of these tips. Being consistent in your efforts will help build up your quality network as well as their trust.
  • Thank You: Mind your Ps and Qs on Twitter. Say “thank you” to your followers and acknowledge each new person.
  • “@”:   Use the “@” to Tweet to others. Think of it like picking up the phone instead of sending an email. Being a little more personal, will get you noticed and will make your network remember you.
  • Re-Tweet:  Re-Tweet things of interest or when someone mentions you; either way re-tweeting will get you noticed
  • Hashtag: Use the hashtag (“#”) for searching industry related terms, track conversations about a specific topic, help others with problems by using the hashtag for your industry term and to give a boost to your bio.
  • Favorite: Use the Favorite button when you like something or when someone tweets to you.
  • Follow Friday: Do #FF and the favor will most likely be returned; which in turn will increase your visibility and your quality following. Win-Win.
  • Follow the Follow Friday-ers: if you were included on someone’s #FF take the time to follow others that were included in the thread and say “hello”.
  • Engage: ask questions, be interesting, recount past engagements to show you are paying attention, and speak “with” your network not “at” your network.
  • Direct Messages (DMs): regularly check and respond to your direct messages no matter how painful the spam can be at times. The good news is that if managed correctly the spam will lessen and your network will strengthen.If you utilize automated messages make sure that you implement personal messages and that you are still paying attention to these messages and responding accordingly.
  • Cut the Dead Weight: inflated numbers are just that; inflated. With the amount of qualified activity that is happening every minute on Twitter it would be far more beneficial for you to have 100 quality followers rather than 200 followers that are non-quality or spammers. Cut loose the dead weight; they are only bringing you down.
  • Connect Accounts: Connecting accounts such as: Foursquare, Pinterest, Klout or Facebook are great ways of increasing your reach and sharing your personal and professional sides.
  • Use Lists: as with any marketing strategy organization is the key; keeping lists of different groups will help eliminate the feeling of information overload

What tips do you think should make the Top 10? Have an example of someone that is excelling at Twitter? Share it with us so we can add it to our list. In the meantime Happy Tweeting!

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